Move on…

Usually Friday’s are associated with “Thank God It’s Friday”! I wish I could resonate with it today! I could not.. Why?

It was the 29th of April 2018. That’s when I embarked on this journey. 3 years 5 months and 2 days into what has been, by far, the most professionally rewarding career, I never did regret being a TAM (Technical Account Manager) once. The best part about the role is I get to interact with a variety of personas, ranging from an Ops engineer to a Chief Technology Officer. There is no limit to what you can learn from each and every one of these conversations. Though it has been a thoroughly rewarding career, I have now decided to move on.

If the career was so rewarding, one might ask why the switch then? Well, I have grown fond of a certain technology, off late, and wanted to pursue an opportunity that will help me learn more about it. The best part is I was lucky enough to find this opportunity within VMware, which makes, the decision to move on, a little less difficult as I still get to keep my VMware badge 😉

Though I hang my boot as a TAM today, I will continue to cherish those wonderful memories I take with me from this role! However, I wanted to take this opportunity to share my experience, thereby reliving all those moments that I hold so close to my heart.

Relocating from Chennai to Mumbai (a city I still hate, by the way) while transitioning from a desk bound role to a field role, I sure had a nervy start. It was because of my wonderful colleagues that, I felt welcomed into the team. Not to forget, I was the youngest associate (both in terms of age and experience) in the team back then! If not for their warm welcome, I wouldn’t have even survived a week.

Special mention to my mentor here, who co-incidentally has also decided to move on to pursue another opportunity. He was the first one I met from the team and the memory is still fresh! We had tea and discussed strategy for the account that I was going to take over from him 😃

I have nothing but gratitude to show to the team that has put up with me for so long, bearing all my stupid questions. Thank you wouldn’t do justice to what they have all done for me!

Mumbai to Vegas with the team

From being a newbie to what I do now, the journey has been full of ups and downs, happiness and sadness but more importantly fulfilling.

None of this would have been possible if not for the boss himself! He was just more than a boss! A true leader. Not only did he lead a bunch of TAMs, but made sure each and everyone of us enjoyed what we do. As far as I am concerned, I have never felt more comfortable working under someone’s leadership than I have with Suresh, my boss 🙂

Not only did we learn business strategies from him, but also human values and ethics that mattered the most when it comes to customer relationships! He is as humble and selfless as one could get. If I have left a lasting impression with at least one of my customers, I attribute all of it only to this man! I wouldn’t be where I am today if not for his guidance and mentorship! THANK YOU SIR and I sincerely hope you would read this someday 🙂

While I can keep going about all of the good times I have had with this team and the trips we have been on, it would take an eternity. So I would just leave it at this!

A Friday I dint want to arrive.. But a Monday I can’t wait to begin!


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