Life in a nutshell..

Have you ever thought, life is unfair? Why me? I am sure you must have at times!

This isn’t going to be another gyan and I, for one, am not good with these philosophical stuff. This is just me expressing myself.

I honestly tried not to include any quotes while writing this, but the topic, as such, calls for one. So here you go: “What’s life without ups and downs?“, “There are two sides to a coin” and much more! I never really got to experience the lows or how would it feel to be down and out until off late. Not that I wanted to, but I wasn’t exposed to the dark side of that world.

It has taken me little over a year now to be open about the time when things started going downtown. Sinking into the reality of it was fucking hard for days/months. Going into the specifics of what happened would only make this another sob story, which is not what I want. So cutting down to the chase…

Life became completely different since then. Anxiety, depression, insomnia, complexes, insecurity and what not! You name it and I would have definitely been a victim of it. Not what I had anticipated, though.

All this because I never wanted to accept the way my life was back then. Like I said, I couldn’t accept the reality. And funny enough, I did stay out of social media like every other depressed soul out there thinking it would help, only to realise later how much did I miss it 🙂

I went on a streak of couple months without talking to anyone I knew outside my family. For the judgemental world we live in, I din’t want to take any chances. So all I had was my immediate family to cry to. I couldn’t imagine the state I could have been if not for my parents. And to date I regret for the amount of pain they had to go through to bring me back on my feet.

Fortunately for me, after about two months, a group of friends heading back home in a Skoda decided to ring me up and that’s when I realised, I can always rely on them to talk jack shit and still won’t be judged for who I am. The next 30 minutes of what must have been an exciting conversation, turned into an unexpected realisation for me and a shocker for them to know what had happened!

If they hadn’t called me back then, I don’t know if at all I would have gathered the courage to call anyone. So, you assholes, if you are reading this, I am grateful to y’all.

PS: To all of you who think, that’s a derogatory term, please feel free to ask for a sneak-peek to one of our Whatsapp convo’s and you may re-define derogatory! 🙂

After and only after this phone call, did I get back to being normal, with more people apart from the one’s who called, constantly kept checking on me to know if I was doing okay! That gave me a much needed sense of belonging. I also did engage in multiple others things apart from work, to keep myself distracted and engaged.

Work, as always as it has been, is close to my heart. If that as well wasn’t to my liking, I definitely wouldn’t have survived the storm. Never in my wildest dreams, had I thought of doing things that I have done so far. And again, major chunk of the credit goes to my group of friends who involved me in everything they have worked so hard for! If not for them and my parents, I wouldn’t been sitting here writing this..

Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are – said someone !! Works big time!! I can vouch for it That’s my life in a nutshell.. All of a sudden life seems to be on track.. Is it because I have started accepting the reality or I left behind what had happened? Is my life still unfair? Answers to which, by the way, I am still in pursuit of!

And if you have reached up until this point, a big THANK YOU for the trust you have in me 🙂

Write to me, if you have answers to any of my questions above or have a feedback! Feel free to use any word that you want to 😛

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  1. Very well written bro! We all go through the downs at some point in our life and question why life is unfair to me but it really takes a lot of courage to talk about it and fight through this to come out stronger than ever before.
    Rightly said “The comeback is always stronger than the setback”
    You are lucky to have friends who stood by you in your difficult times and helped you bounce back.
    Enjoyed reading it!

  2. Hi Saravanan, always a fan of your writing. Like you said life is indeed a mix of Ups and Downs but there are very few people who accepts this and moves on in life.
    I’m so proud of you that you accepted it and articulated your experiences in the form of an article. It tales courage to accept ur downs and share with others. But most importantly you need Friends in your life to hold you when you fall and cherish with you when you succeed.
    Keep writing and inspiring people the way you are doing.
    Good luck

  3. Beautifully written..!!
    Mountains n waterfalls make earth beutiful.. so does ups and downs beautify Life..
    Let’s fall in Love with life every single moment.. and as u said accept it

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